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What Success Looks Like For Brick By Brick

Mark Olivito

Updated: Mar 15, 2022

Every great initiative needs to have success metrics, and Brick By Brick is no different.

paverart, brick by brick apprenticeship, goals

In full transparency, here's what the program success looks like. We may blow some out of the water and miss others. But in our view, IF we get close, this is VERY compelling. So here goes....

For the Apprentice:

Over 4 years, they will be able to compete with any college graduate in the land in a similar field of Business. In other words, it is our goal that the Brick By Brick Apprenticeship will be equal to or better a conventional, 4 year college degree.

Here's why. We expect the Apprentice will compile the following:

  1. A fully accredited online degree, a BS in Business Administration with relevant concentration.

  2. $20k+ in the bank

  3. No Debt

  4. 4 years at PAVERART, progressing through 6 critical skill areas with a rapidly growing leading small business. Quantifiable results across major business functions. Multiple references. Customized/job specific certifications in key areas of our business. Said differently? They entered not knowing ANYTHING. They finished as a high impact team member with significant responsibility and significant results across a number of areas. Real world, high impact results that any employer will value.

  5. A digital portfolio and blog documenting every step of the journey, work, education, goal setting and mentorship. Leaving absolutely no doubt to any recruiter in the land that material has been mastered, demonstrated and equal too or beyond conventional programs.

  6. A career path equal to or better then a conventional college graduate, either at PAVERART, a new business owned by PAVERART or outside of it.

We believe that the above 6 "portfolio components" compiled over 4 years will be BEYOND the graduate of a conventional college degree, and they will be able to communicate that experience in a compelling way. But if it is not beyond the conventional path, it certainly won't be with debt on their head. And there will be real, cold, hard cash in the bank with lifelong, successful habits fully ingrained in their "DNA."

Success for the Brick By Brick Apprenticeship Program, over the course of 4 years means we will have developed:
  1. A high impact employee that has learned all core jobs of the operation. HIGHLY Reliable, highly productive, a true team player that has grown to make the entire business stronger.

  2. A training system for fully developing current and future talent.

  3. An operating system built on results, solid plans, goal setting and teamwork.

  4. A "manager ready" talent capable of stepping into higher level roles: Could be a shift manager, a sales manager or a manager of an entirely new business investment to further grow PAVERART or future businesses.

  5. A "playbook" to roll out Brick By Brick to other businesses & high schools based on the full learnings, successes and challenges learned throughout the program. When it works, we need to let the world know about it to help increase the viable career opportunities right out of high school and stop the cycle of "there's one path, regardless of the cost....."

What is required to make the above successful?

All Hands On Deck, Everybody Committed To Success

The Parent (s)
  • Invest in room and board, 4 years of near expense free living for their kid to focus on the Brick By Brick Program and enable them to begin aggressively saving.

  • Fully support the time commitments: Work & Education @50+ hours per week.

  • Communicate challenges with Mentor to course correct, identify issues, etc

The Apprentice
  • Fully commit to all program components: Work, Education, Goal Setting, Mentorship. Specifically:

  • 32+ hours of work per week - focus on measurable learning and productivity results orientation.

  • 20+ hours of education per week - Structured curriculum and progression: University of the People or other (but Debt Free options).

  • Commitment to time management and results orientation, including disciplined tracking of key results areas (education & work).

  • Execute agreed too aggressive savings/financial management with full transparency and partnership.

  • Digital Portfolio/Blog development

  • Embrace Monthly accountability meetings with Mentor to review progress, discuss challenges, course correct and continue the growth plan. Review education & work status to date and upcoming classes and goals.

The Mentor (& PAVERART)

Communication, coaching and performance feedback.

  • Progression through the key functional areas once mastery has been demonstrated.

  • Build the plan in concert with PAVERART Managers & Apprentice. Timelines, coaching, goals, and results expected.

  • Advise on goal setting process, get documented, structured and planned.

  • Ensure that the plan is working.

  • Consistent, monthly accountability meetings with Apprentice to review results, progress towards goals, challenges, questions.

  • Review Educational process, current classes, future classes.

  • Review financial plan progress.

  • What's working? What isn't? What are the goals for next month?

The above goals and commitments are ambitious, but fully attainable.

Who's MOST in charge of the success?

The Apprentice.

Any which way you slice it, in America......

It takes massive amounts of hard work & dedication to develop results, knowledge, connections and "wins." A little luck never hurts too! Nobody will MAKE you do it, so you need to commit, go all in and do it. But we have an open door for you, and a vested interest in you winning.

Our goal is to give you the opportunity of a starting line & pathway to growth, support, training, encouragement and structure.
But YOU need to make the most of this opportunity.
YOU need to build your future.

Brick by Brick.



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PAVERART Enterprises LLC. 2512 Egg Harbor Road, Unit C, Lindenwold, NJ 08021 | © Copyright 2020 PAVERART | All rights reserved. 

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